Big Wine Stopper
This is one of my latest pieces -- created in the two/three year hiatus COVID forced on us all between 2019 and 2022.
Subconsciouoly it probably reflects my mental state during the period -- a shelter-in-place, wait it out, and maybe just have a drink until the world emerges from its latest existential challenge.
Nine separate pieces of 1-2 inch blanks of glass were hexaled together and then ground round. The solid stainless steel stopper base was expertly machined for me by Bob Murdock at Huricane Machine Shop. In total the piece weighs in at 33 pounds, and was quite difficult to grind and polish round.
I really like the result, including the optics and color changes when you view the piece off-horizontal and from the top. Kind of dizzing -- just like the wine it preserves for a a very big drink bottle!

Big Wine Stopper 2022
Cast Soda Lime Crystal, Stainless, Steel and Rubber
19 x 5 x 5 inches (Base 8 inches round)